
What is homeopathy?

Das Ziel der Homöopathie besteht darin, die körpereigenen Abwehrmechanismen und die Selbstheilung in Gang zu bringen oder zu verstärken. Dabei kann Homöopathie sowohl am Mensch, wie auch am Tier angewendet werden. Als Vorreiter der Homöopathie gilt der deutsche Arzt Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, welcher erstmals den Begriff „homöopathisch“ oder „Homöopathie“ verwendet hat. Im Gegensatz zu allopathischen Arzneimitteln wirkt die Homöopathie nicht dank Einnahme einer bestimmten Menge Arzneisubstanz, sondern durch die immateriellen Reize. Dies bringt folgende Vorteile mit sich:

  • no harmful side effects or interactions with other medicines
  • good compatibility
  • No risk of overdos
  • Symptoms are not suppressed
  • No addictive potential

These benefits make homeopathic medicines suitable for the treatment of infants, children, pregnant women and drug-sensitive individuals.


Aus Sicht der homeopathy werden die Krankheitszeichen (Symptome) nicht als die eigentliche Krankheit angesehen. Vielmehr werdendarin die Heilungsbemühungen und Abwehrmechanismen des Körpers auf die Erkrankung gesehen. Das Ziel der homöopathischen Heilung besteht nun darin, mittels eines Arzneimittelreizes die vorhandenen Symptome zu verstärken, damit dies zur (rascheren) Genesung führt, weil die körpereigenen Heilungsmassnahmen verstärkt werden.


The complaints are often due to a clear causa (cause). A clear allocation of a causa to a complaint is very important in homeopathy as an indicator for drug choice.


The homeopathic healing method is based on: a) similarity principle b) potentiation c) Remedy picture


"Similia similibus curantur" ("Something similar may be cured") is the core principle of homeopathy's cure. The same remedy that triggers or enhances certain symptoms helps to heal the same or similar symptoms.


The founder of homeopathy "Dr. Samuel Hahnemann "has in his early days taken large amounts of medicated substances and observed how these affect his organism. He quickly discovered that many substances are too aggressive for humans and therefore need to be diluted. He noticed that by mere dilution the effect diminished as the degree of dilution increased, until it completely disappeared. This fact brought him to the very meaningful idea: a) gradually dilute the drug bases b) vigorously shake or triturate the diluent at each dilution stage He called this process Dynamization, which today is known as "potentiation". The potentiation of a drug base enhances the healing power. The potentation process in the production of homeopathic medicines thus at the same time includes the dilution of the drug and the strengthening of the healing effect.

Remedy picture

The remedy pictures describe how the organism can react to homeopathic medicines. The drug pictures serve the homoeopath as working basis for the prescription or composition of a homeopathic remedy.

What potencies are available


Dilutions sind die flüssigen, potenzierten Verdünnungen von mother tincures oder Triturationen. Die Verdünnung erfolgt strikt nach den Vorgaben des jeweiligen Herstellungsparagraphs im Homöopathischen Arzneimittelbuch per Hand.


Triturations are the firm triturations of medicated or mother tinctures on lactose. Traditionally, according to the homeopathic pharmacopoeia, trituration with lactose takes place in a mortar. The Herbamed are various options available, from the small trituration by hand to large-scale industrial production with appropriate equipment. Of course, deviating excipients may also be used on customer request.


In globules, dilutions are applied to sugar globules and then dried. Alternatively, globules can be used with the sugar substitute xylitol. In principle, all homepathic remedies can also be ordered in the form of globules.

What potencies are available

Since all homeopathic remedies are produced individually, every potency level of our mother tinctures or drug bases can be shaken or rubbed. Both D-potencies, C-potencies or Q-potencies are produced.


Since all homeopathic remedies are produced individually, every potency level of our mother tinctures or drug bases can be shaken or rubbed. Both D-potencies, C-potencies or Q-potencies are produced.


Dilutions are made by hand in centesimal potencies from C1 to C1000. Higher potencies are mechanically enhanced by means of Korsakoff methods in stages 10M, 50M, CM. The dilution step takes place in the ratio 1: 100.

Q or LM-potencies

For the quinquagintamillesimal potencies, the dilution step is carried out in the ratio 1: 50,000. Production takes place via the production of globules and subsequent dissolution in an ethanolic solution.
